Factorio trains
Factorio trains

factorio trains factorio trains


i watched Nilaus explaining the Factorio Engineering series block based train network and tried to reverse engineer the city block layout as there are currently no blueprints provided. Find blueprints for the video game Factorio. Note: It really helps to be consistent with a building train setup across your save games. The train only needs to carry arround a few items. Make a blueprint of your new destination station. For Wagons like the very first, loaded with active building items like rails, etc., you can add those icons, but make them zero quantity, just so you know which car they are attached to. It will just take a few more trips to complete the outpost. Keep in mind that the number you set will be stored in the boxes after the outpost is built, so if you care about unused machines, then keep the numbers low. Obviously you won't want Nuclear Reactors there, so ignore that number. For example, if you want Electric Mining Drills at an outpost, set the number to around 50. Adjust the values for how much of a particular item you will need at a specialized outpost. For each car, add the unique items in that car to it's corresponding combinator. Where you would normally put a power pole, place a Constant Combinator instead. Start the Receiver StationĪs you are setting up this train station, you'll want to build the receiver in parallel. After you have all chests and filters set up add Medium Electric Poles and you're ready to go! Blueprint the station, chests, and the train the itself so you can save yourself time on the next map.

Factorio trains